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AU 79-0202CA



Crystalline Gold and Arsenopyrite and Galena 

Angeles Camp, Calaveras County California
This beautiful native gold specimen displays very bright and rich buttery yellow gold crystals. The darker lustrous sections is believed to be Galena - a silver rich ore -  and in some small gray areas are arsenopyrite. The galena is interestingly formed in thin layers on top of the gold. Imagine something like a gold leaf but instead its galena on gold, its quite interesting. The only native gold mineral I saw with close association to this specimen is native gold from the St. Helena mine in South Africa. No where else I seen such an interesting gold specimen.
0.99 grams
9.21 x 7 x 7.2 mm

Crystalline Gold and Arsenopyrite and Galena Angeles Camp, Calaveras County CA

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