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Crystallized Gold Wire on Calcite 
Nugget Pond Mine, Betts Cove, Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
This incredible and rare specimen displays very bright wire gold crystal on calcite. The native gold exhibits striations on the wire surface with a very thin dark layer of arsenopyrite on some wire gold crystals. Clusters of native gold wires are spread throughout the calcite matrix. Many of the gold wires are spinel twin crystals with sharp pointy tips and branching crystals. The white calcite matrix complements the native gold, making it pop out and adds to its already beautiful aesthetics. This specimen was found in the 1970's in a very rich pocket and the mine is no longer producing specimens.
37 x 36 x 21 mm
18.48 grams

Crystallized Gold Wire on Calcite - Nugget Pond Mine, Newfoundland, Canada

SKU: _308
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