Crystallized Gold on Quartz
Browns Flat, Bald Mountain, Calaveras County, California
Large gold specimens such as this example are not as often found as they once were in California and this specimen displays a lot of character and aesthetics. Its gold crystals are all around thick and very robust dense clusters. There are many heavy crystals branching out from its quartz matrix while smaller crystals surrounds its interior of the native gold specimen. The smaller crystals also form a network of clustered crystalline gold is visible thorough the specimen. Upon closer examination multi layers of complex crystalline gold formations which include leafs and spongy textured crystals are shown. The gold grows through the quartz as the thick tips of a larger mass pokes out in many areas of the white quartz matrix. The gold is visible all around and displays a worn buttery yellow color with great luster on some crystal faces. This gold specimen is a great representation from its locality.
57 x 30 x 30 mm
45 grams
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SKU: 331
$5,600.00 Regular Price
$5,320.00Sale Price
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