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Leaf Gold Twin Octahedron Crystal
Dublin Gulch, Mayo District Canada

This remarkable crystallized gold leaf specimen exhibits two modified large octahedron crystal on its top and a crystallized lustrous surface near its base. The twin crystals display the octahedral structure but didn't completely form into a perfect octahedron twin due to impurities or disturbances in the pocket when the gold crystal was crystallizing. The bottom section of the native gold crystal exhibits sharp right angular crystal with blocky formations and great luster. However, the reverse side of the crystal is smooth and displays very small number of crystallized structures. This unique formation of two completely opposite sides makes this crystal a rare gold crystal for its locality.
10 x 8 x 3    mm
0.74 gram

Leaf Gold Twin Octahedron Crystal - Dublin Gulch, Mayo District Canada

SKU: 52
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